by manager | Jan 1, 2017 | Uncategorised
The Whisby-6 well was successfully drilled in 2016 and encountered a good oil-saturated basal sandstone with initial production of 168 barrels of oil per day (of which Terrain receives 85% until it has recovered its drilling costs, reducing to 62.5% until 250,000...
by manager | Jan 1, 2017 | Uncategorised
In the last few years the unconventional oil and gas potential in the Weald has received significant attention and various operators have undertaken studies and tested wells to improve their understanding of this potential (most notably Horse Hill Development...
by manager | Jan 1, 2017 | Uncategorised
When drilling the Holzkirchen geothermal well on the Egmating licence, overpressured gas was encountered in the Rupel Sandstone at 4200m. The gas had to be flared for 4 days before the well was brought back into control. An analysis of the 3-D seismic data allowed the...